5.1 Shoplifting and Vandalism
Should you experience theft or vandalism within your premises, it is your responsibility to alert the Police who will advise you of the necessary steps.
Please remember to instruct your staff thoroughly on all matters of security. If you are a branch store, obtain the policy and legal procedures pertaining to shoplifting from your head office.
If you see an act of vandalism please contact Centre Management.
5.2 Centre Security
Security throughout the Centre is carried out by a contract security firm. The Centre’s security contractors are responsible for security of all public areas. It is the tenant’s responsibility to secure their own tenancies. The Pines Elanora Security phone number is 0435 762 314.
If premises are found unsecured, Security or Centre Management will endeavour to contact the relevant tenant’s after-hours contact number. Under no circumstances will Centre Management or Security assume any responsibility associated with securing tenants’ premises.
We encourage tenants to be security conscious. If you observe any suspicious activities or people within your premises, or around the car parks or common areas, please contact Centre Management or Security.